A Community go to for Reviews of Events Leather/Pup/Cub And much MORE!!!

Saturday, September 21, 2013
Saturday, June 22, 2013
Fetish Men San Diego Movie Night @ The North Park Theater
Starting from the beginning of the night and bear with me for the first few lines :)
This night was very interesting, after getting geared up with my Boi we went to The Eagle to see if any of the pack was there but unfortunately they were not. So we were off to the movies to see James Franco's Indie film Interior. Leather. Bar a movie about the missing 40 min of that sexy
Al Pacino movie from 1980.
Once arriving I had the pleasure of greeting many of the gentleman that are part of the San Diego Leather Community. Leading the night with much enthusiasm was PaPa Tony he created FMSD The group photo you see at the top of this post was taken moments before they started to let the leather/gear cladded men in the doors for the movie. (try and find me. woof! ) Prior to the photo we were allowed to enjoy drinks at the "interior bar" while wearing our "Leather" of course. WOOF!! After meeting a very "friendly" couple. We decided to enjoy what was shaping up to be already a great evening filled with stimulation.
Its a movie about a cop that undercover basically here is IMDB's description.
*A police detective goes undercover in the sleazy and underground gay subculture of New York City to catch a serial killer who is murdering numerous gay men with S&M tactics. (
BUT now I was a bit confused seeing the movie like "Interior. Leather. Bar" without seeing or knowing about the movie "Cruising". I must say it was good I was quite distracted by all of the other "things" going on in the theater. So I can't really be the one to give a review of the movie I do know that it was more of a movie about a movie about remaking the missing 40 mins of the original movie. As hard as that was for you to read is how hard it was for me to stay focused.
So after conducting myself in a manor that is only befitting of Paul Reubens in a dark theater. My Boi and I were off to The Eagle for more drink and Shenanigans!!! Overall I would say the night was extremely successful!!! *** WINK WINK
Monday, September 17, 2012
The Puppy Pride Flag is similar to the 7 stripe design created by Jeff Hull (Grungepup Jeff) but has the same number of Black, Blue and White Stripes as the Leather Pride Flag created by Tony DeBlase that is a symbol for the leather community, which encompass those who are into leather, Levi's, SM, BD, uniform, cowboys, rubber, and other fetishes. The Stripes are set on a 30 degree diagonal reminiscent of the boy flag designed by Keith Pollanen to indicate a new direction. The White Stripe is wider than the other stripes to represent the broadness of the puppy community. The blood Red Bone in the center of the flag indicates the unconditional, non-judgmental heart of the puppy.
What is puppy play?
From a Pup named Flip And his above website helps with his view one that I respect and appreciate. Please take the time to read and follow him. I host The San Diego Eagle's Puppy Night. I often get asked to explain or give an introduction to puppy play at least twice a night when I host. Which I love to meet and speak with new members and fellow brothers that are simply interested in seeing what all the barking is about. When starting my journey as a new stray dog running around sniffing for a bone. I started by hust meeting and talking to feloow members of the community I still am learning and growing as everyone is in the community right now. There seems to be a changing and opening of minds around the pact. So I found myself coming in at the perfect time. While researching and getting to know what Puppy Play is and what it in-tailed. ( WOOF!! WOOF!! ) So here is a few great sites I have come to follow and believe in is a honorable code of conduct.
- First off Puppy play is NOT about bestiality. Human puppy play does not involve real pups/dogs in sexual activities and it does not mean someone desires to perform sexual activities with real biological pups/dogs
- Puppy play originally began as a way to humiliate or punish a boy by making them look and act like a dog but many found they identified more with being a pet than they did as a boy or slave. The punishment turned out to be more fun than humiliation. So began the puppy movement. Today it is growing in leaps and bounds as more and more people find their true nature as a pet.
- It is different for everyone that takes on the role of a puppy or a dog. It sometimes involves a trainer/master/handler/owner where a pup is trained, disciplined or simply acts like a spoiled pet and sometimes it may only involve playing with other pups/dogs or playing alone. Some pups completely relinquish all human characteristics, becoming a true "pet" while others retain varying degrees of their human characteristics.
- For some it's completely non-sexual, there is no erotic or sexual interaction at all, simply relying on someone to feed and reward or discipline them is only an exciting variation of Dominance and submission (D/s). For others, they are always a human, capable sexual behavior with other pups or humans. Puppy play has strong naturally occurring elements of D/s, ownership and control, as well as other traditional BDSM aspects
- Puppy play depends on what the people involved are hoping to accomplish, it can be nothing more than role-play fun or an escape from reality using an alternate personality.
- A puppy or dog is a human pet. It can be a male or female who identifies closely with real biological pups/dogs and lets go their human inhibitions and stress to embrace their animal instinct. They live in the moment, their entire existence revolves around getting a pat on the head, being told they are a good puppy, exploring anything and everything that looks interesting or fun, even if it's sniffing someone in public. A pup/dog may take on the persona of a biological canine to varying degrees from being on all fours chasing balls and barking instead of talking to only taking on the personality of a pup/dog but retaining their human abilities.
- For many it's just a type of role playing but for others it's a part of their inner spirit, it's who they are whether in pup gear or not.

**Pup Flip Covers a lot and give a great insight and I agree with his writings.**
The Hanky Code is a traditional form of signaling to others what your sexual preferences and interests are. Gay men used this code to communicate with each other in the noisy and distracting environment of gay bars. Although not as widely used these days, it is still a worthwhile resource and is, among those who know, a great conversation starter.Welcome Pups/Strays/Fans and Trainers.
Whats up fellow pups/master, leather brothers alike and welcome to my blog a go to online resource for leather/fetish events around San Diego. Everything from Puppy Play to Yellow Hanky Event info . Along with Reviews from so of the best and most trust worthy members and pact leaders in the San Diego Community. Please Enjoy, Comment, Share, And Email to get my opinion and as ask me ?'s. WOOF WOOF WAG!!!

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